Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tree Time

The cooler weather is upon us!
It feels deeelitefull!
I called upon my minions to fetch, carry, haul and plant a
Royal Poinciana tree I've been babying all summer. First, you start with a hole.OHMYGAWD!
It took Bill & Jim using brute strength and a pickax to make a dent.

They took turns with sharp spade and shovel to get a decent hole dug.

While Sherry & I watched.

Well, I did point a lot. I'm good at that.They planted, watered, mulched and staked.

We now have another tree in the big green space we call "The Field".
Great job, guys.This is what it should look like in, oh...10 years maybe.


Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Is that the tree that blooms in May? Being we were here in May this year I saw those and they were beautiful. Looked almost like a maple in the fall in Michigan. Great addition.

SueZ said...

Yes, it blooms in early summer and is reputed to be the most beautiful tree in the world!

Sue said...

Thank you Sue and Jim and Bill. We will all enjoy your efforts.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else remember that old song by Nat King Cole, "Poinciana"?
It starts:
"Poinciana, your branches speak to me of love,
Pale moon is casting shadows from above."
When I saw those beautiful trees this spring, I thought, I'll bet that's a poinciana tree even though I had never seen one.
Patsy #108