Monday, April 27, 2009

Fabulous Volunteers!

If you have driven or walked by the birthing of the butterfly garden
you may have noticed a new ornament in place.
It is not a bird house.
It is a butterfly house!
Donated and placed by Patsy & Garland to honor their daughter Paige.
This butterfly house was a present from my daughter, Paige, over 15 years ago.
It never housed any butterflies but was a decorative garden object.
The elements took their toll but Garland restored it,
and I thought it would look appropriate in our Butterfly Garden.
I hope all enjoy it.
Patsy 108

Thanks so much P & G. It does add a lot to the character of the garden.

In the near future benches, a trellis full of climbing, flowering plants, a walkway of butterfly themed stepping stones, perhaps a water feature, too, will be added.

Several people, anonymously, with no thought of recognition, have been dropping off bags of chunky bark mulch. I can't tell you how much that is appreciated! The plants are really beginning to benefit from all that mulch, and the garden looks so much better.

If you can, if you remember (that's the biggie), why don't you pick up a bag or two next time you are at Lowe's or H.D. Just drop it off near the garden and someone will spread it. And grass clippings, too, are terrific. They not only smother out the pesky grass and weeds, but improve the soil.


It's the volunteers and donors who make Sandpipers a unique and special place. From the gardens to the library to the entertainment...we all benefit. So what if it takes time. What else do we have in abundance? I have never been so busy, nor my house so dirty, as I have been these past months.

I recently read this quote, originally in response to people who read the Reader's Digest Condensed Books, and thought it appropriate to our lifestyle.

"Beware of people who have overly clean homes and keep their cars in the garage. They are psychologically disturbed and keep themselves busy cleaning. They couldn't bear to read a whole book and I promise you, if you sit next to one of these people at a dinner party you will wish you were dead."
And no, Sue P, it's not about you, although your Spring cleaning actually terrifies me!
I'll sit next to you anytime!

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