Thursday, October 23, 2008

Photo Fun

You may have noticed the group shot from the story about our bike ride to Bentsen State Park on Tuesday. Annie took the shot and I had bragged that I could cut her from another photo and layer her into the shot. Well, I had a little trouble and didn't take the time to figure out why so just put the two shots on the blog.
But it bothered me.

So I went back, tinkered a bit, and voila, it's now a GROUP shot!

1st picturePhoto of Annie. And "The Group" happily joined together.
She is a bit pale, though...and tall!
Here are a few more fun photos you might enjoy.

Recognize these famous people?

I think she's dusting him.
Donna looks good on the hundred dollar bill, don't you think?
How about Sue P. in a steamy embrace....whew!
Jon hanging out....
And, finally, Jim on the fence.
Oh, of me...
You, too, can have fun with photos using a couple of really cool sites. is a site you can try on hairstyle from the past 60 years.
Very neat!
And is my new favorite fun with photos spot.
Try them, you'll like them!


lilizard62 said...

Cool idea and link.
I will need to use this sometime.

alan said...

I hope all are able to keep this new fangled gadget under control!!!
(could result in some embarassment)