Thursday, May 28, 2009

Community Garden, and the New Entrance.

I've touched a little on this subject recently but I need input.
Knock, knock...anybody out there?
Rambling Community Garden Thoughts
We are exploring the community garden idea further and have pinpointed
that it truly needs to be in the center-ish (is that a word?) of the big field.
Lots of reasons.
To avoid having to move it because of future to expand as needed. Drawback is no water at present. That may change soon, and if it takes a year, well, maybe we can find a really long hose! Or defer the idea for awhile.
Here are some pictures of other gardens that show what I'm thinking about.
Raised up beds. Small enough to grow some veggies without it being a chore.
Paths between wide enough for easy mowing.
Besides the plots we'd need a compost bin, a mulch bin, and a small storage shed for storing garden tools, fertilizer, etc. Perhaps a bench, too.
There are several ways to approach this.
One way is to have interested parties sign a contract for a year, promising upkeep. There would be a waiting list for gardeners who missed out on getting a plot. Just how many plots we will need is a question. Who would be interested? I have 5 people already expressing an interest.
Management could bear the initial expense and rent out the plots, or we could divide the cost among the interested parties.
Garden Club Peeps...are you reading this? Are you IN?
Tell me...
Who's interested?
How big a plot would you like.
The picture above shows a plot about 8 x 4' using 4 x 4 lumber at a rough estimate of $40-50 (for the lumber) plus we'd need to strip the sod, bring in top soil and amendments.
Sheds aren't free, either.
But it is soooo rewarding!I hope I get feedback on this.....
Hello, anybody out there?
Take a look at the new front entrance.
Gary really worked some magic didn't he?
Are we classy, or what?


And by the way, check out the new weather report on the left side, above the updates.

Jim has a new weather station hoisted high in the sky over our house, and he envisions himself the weather master of Sandpipers.

All I know is that ever since he put it up we've had rain, so good going Jimbo!


lilizard62 said...

Could you use Cedar Fence Panels?
A few of them fell during the Hurricane and we are not going to use them. There in my yard. YOu just need to pick them up.
They would make great divisions for the Compost pile.

Ian 502 said...

Maybe it isn't exactly what you are looking for - but a coat of paint and new door handle would work wonders - but if you want a garden shed for the project you are welcome to ours behind Lot 502 beside the tennis court.

As seasonal people we aren't too sure about participating in the community garden. Would take half the time we are there to grow things, and as a 'two-some' we don't need that many vege's to start with. And as Canadians eh we think the prices and freshness in the stores are 'fresh-from-the-garden-like' compared to what we get up here. Will have to mull it over, but I don't think we would want more than 4 x 4, and could probably do that on our own lot (with Karen's OK). The other issue is upkeep for the 6 months we aren't there - a weed patch is unattractive!

The idea of compost bins is good - everyone could contribute thier compost material and help to save on garbage costs. Which brings another idea (maybe a crazy one), but watching all the branches that were garbaged last fall, maybe a small chipper would be a good investment, and all those branches could be chipped and used as mulch in the flower garden.

And the front entrance does look GREAT! Well done everyone.

Anonymous said...

the veggies shouldn't cost more that 50 bucks a lb lmao

SueZ said...

Ian, your shed would be a terrific help...a place to store tools, fertilizer, watering cans, etc. And, glory be, the park now has a chipper. It worked gloriously for two days before breaking down. After reducing several huge piles of brush to a small pile of stopped. Jay was using it at the time. Whew! Glad it wasn't me!

tony said...

Ian your shed is already gone

Theresa 118 said...

Regarding chipper. Ad on tv says if you buy a DL chipper you can use it for a year and if you don't like it you can take it back.

Love the idea about the compost.

We got home ok, made it to Denver in two LONG DAYS!!! Won't do that again. The mountains are beautiful all covered with snow. We ran into a little snow on a pass but but only an inch.

David 211 said...

Hey Tony, was Sherry in that shed, maybe?

Maybe she was trying to escape from Prison d'Tony???

Well, don't worry, we've located her here in Missouri, and we'll remand her to your custody shortly. Just as soon as the Sheriff's Department releases her.

But first, is it OK if I tell her you wished her a Happy Birthday tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the veggies might be $50 a lb., but cost doesn't seem to bother fishermen/women and hunters. There are just some things you can't put a price on.

Patsy 108

David 211 said...


After the Camden County Sheriff evicted her from the county, Sherry was last seen at 5:50 AM Tuesday, heading for I-44 and points south. With any luck at all she should arrive back at Sandpipers in about three days.

(With a little better luck, maybe she'll arrive in 5 or 6 days... HAHAHAHAHA!)


(No, really, we miss her already.)