Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Update on the eyes contest.

Theresa is way out in front with 10 of the eyes correctly identified.
She has been wandering the park, peering into faces for several days now.
Most of the other eyes have been correctly ID'd but there are a
couple that seem to be completely anonymous.
Lots of guesses, none correct.
This one is a real stumper! Nobody is even close to getting it right.
So far the guesses have been:
Little Mary (Dave)
Irwin, a few times
Pam (Ed)
And this one, too, has every one fooled.
Some suggestions have been:
Miss Toni,
Lashes to die for!
Look, you can practically see me in the reflection....cool.
I'll start giving hints soon, meanwhile keep peering into faces.


Anonymous said...

In the first of those two pictures above, can't everyone see that those freckles belong to Sherry?

SueZ said...

Sherry, I'm thinking vendetta time! Dave, take a look at eye #7. THOSE eyes are the gorgeous Sherry's.

No, #1 is not Sherry!

But, good guess, you did make the cigar box.