Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Round-up & A Beer Quiz

If you read the previous blog entry you know that Bob #514 won the prize during Friday night's Halloween bash for Best Male Costume. What you don't know is
what a big gun he has.
Now I could make some tasteless remark about...oh, I don't know...shooting blanks , maybe, but that would be, ummm, below the belt. This is a high class blog, so all I'll say is...Nice gun, Bob.

And, I have heard through my stringer, also known as my neighbor, the "Orca Wannabe of the Pool", that the true story of the famous "Ironing Board Incident" is being asked for, with no editorial bias.

I can do that.

But first, in all fairness, since I did put up the Man-Pigs in all their glorious tutu-ness...I give you ....The Witches of Sandpiper's! Now...on to the ironing.

A few years ago we did a craft project here at Sandpiper's that required a cart load of supplies. There were tubs of fabric and trim, the iron and aforementioned board, scissors, etc.
Floozy Koozies. Cute, personalized can and bottle holders, trimmed with all kinds of doo-dads. Cute-cute!

I had parked my golf cart outside the shower house, in the regular golf cart parking area, so loading all the "stuff" back into the cart after the project was easy, if a bit jammed. But I had help...also a witness. So what happened is etched in my memory forever. Even though I have tried to forget, Orca-Man has made that impossible, as Orca-Man's wife was the witness....AND CO-CONSPIRATOR!

It happened like this.

We shoved the ironing board into the front seat...the drivers seat...of the golf cart. How were we to know that ironing boards have a secret desire to drive golf carts? It rammed it's legs onto the pedal and ZOOM, the cart crashed forward right thru the guard rail! Smashed the wood to smithereens! We were horrified, but quickly, looking around, saw no witnesses!

We, at first, being traumatized by the whole destructive nature of the accident, fantasized about fleeing to Mexico...but no, we fessed up. A little later that day, true. but we did fess up. Well, wait a minute. I fessed up. Guess you are outed now, Sue P.

Anyway...that's how I remember it. For a long while my cart sported this you know, The Rest of the Story.

This Thursday, at B&B's and S&J's, there is to be
A park wide beer tasting Happy Hour. You've seen the poster, I hope, down at the it is to refresh your memories. is the quiz.

Bring the answers, or at least think about the answers, to THE EVENT.

There may just be a prize in store for the one that gets them all right.

1. This brand is known as the 'King of Beers'.

2. What brew is known as 'The Champagne of Bottled Beers'?
Miller High Life
Lone Star

3. This beer was once advertised as being 'From the Land of Sky Blue Waters'.
Lucky Lager

4. This famous European brand uses a red star as part of its logo.

5. This brand uses the slogan 'It's The Water'.
Tuborg Gold

6. This beer was named after an American President's brother.
Jebby's Hanging Chad Porter
Uncle Ted's Red
Billy Beer
Roger's Arkansas Bitters

7. This brewer once had an ad campaign that proclaimed that their beer was 'Good For You'.

8. In the TV show 'Laverne and Shirley', where did the girls work?
Shotz Brewery
Hossenpheffer Incorporated
Pabst Brewery
Plank Road Brewery

9. This is the ingredient in beer that causes fermentation to take place.
malted barley

10. This is the national beer of Jamaica.
Trench Town
Dread Lock Bock
Red Stripe

11. This product was touted as 'The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous'
Heilmann's Olde Style
Pabst Blue Ribbon

12. Which city hosts the outrageous festival of beer drinking known as Oktoberfest?

13. To whom did Anheuser-Busch send the first case of Budweiser beer produced after the repeal of prohibition in 1933?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
W.C. Fields
Strom Thurmond
Henry Ford

14. This brewery is owned by Fritz Maytag, scion of the famous washing machine family.
Pearl Brewing Company
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
Anchor Brewing Company
Boston Brewing Company

15. This person is recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as the patron saint of brewers.
Saint Blaise
Saint Arnulf of Metz
Saint Christopher
Saint Anthony of Padua

Good Luck!

1 comment:

Helen McNamara said...

Great couple of blogs Sue. Love the halloween photos and the beer quiz is great...# 6A being particularly clever on this election day! Keep it up girl, you're clever and entertaining.....and you spell better than Tony! LOL (See? I read the comments too!)