Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Poem by Dick Bunstock-as requested

The frozen smile still lingers
'Neath her round black button eyes.
Dripping water washed her inked-on nose away.
And the corn husks in her body
Are as crisp as autumn leaves.
her gingham dress is faded into gray.
She used to have blond tresses
made of yellow twisted yarn.
They disappeared a long, long time ago.
Transformed into a blanket,
Which was very soft and warm.
In a mouse's nest a couple shelves below.
It is dark here in this closet
Where she's lain so many years,
For nobody ever opens up the door.
And her fate has been determined-
Like the house she'll disappear-
'Cause the people never come here any more.
There is another castoff
Who is stored upon a shelf,
In a nursing home an aged lady sits.
And she's playing with her dolly
Back with Mama, on the farm,
For her mind will not accept what now exists.
Every day for her is Christmas,
And she sits beside the tree.
Every day again the brand-new doll she finds.
In an everlasting childhood,
Like the doll upon the shelf,
She sits alone, and waits the end of time.


alan said...

These two latest blogs bring back wonderful memories to Stevie and I. Dick was a unique person. He would share whatever he had to ensure that those around him could enjoy the pleasuers of life to the extent that he had. The passing of Dee and he left a big hole in the community of Sandpipers. His memories will remain with those of us who knew him well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this one. It touched me when I read it several years ago and now I'll make a copy to keep.