Sunday, April 1, 2018

Permit Information for Sandpipers Residents.

Recently there has been a number of violations of the "permit" rule so I'd like to explain it more thoroughly. 

There are still water conservation edicts in place so make sure you apply to the office for permits so we can scatter times
to preserve water pressure. 
Permits required for:
Washing RV's, cars, houses, pets.
No permit required for washing bicycles.

Also notice to the office required for planting, in the ground,  anything near your house/RV.  We are trying to prevent termite infestation and snakes.  No creeping plants, no plants near the fence line.  Exceptions granted for containers holding artificial soil. 

No plastic flowers, statues or garden ornaments including gnomes and other fantasy themes.  Permit required for any garden water feature.

Permits also required for wearing clothing during warm weather.  This is a nudist park!

All golf carts, cars and motorcycles/bicycles MUST be retrofitted with a speed limiting device preset at 10 mph, available at the office for a reasonable fee.

And please register your smart phone with the office. Problems have arisen because of some phones ability to take pictures, so once a month bring your phone to the office so a staff member can verify your compliance with our "no pictures" rule.

Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation.

1 comment:

David120 said...

Ha Ha to all you latecomers; I got to be the first one to comment!