Sunday, June 2, 2013

EEEEEK! Sorry for shouting....! know what this is?

It's tarantula.

They live in Texas.

They live at Sandpipers....apparently.

They live in the cabinet over my stove.

Excuse me...
I am having a nervous breakdown.

I am in serious freak-out mode! 

I was rummaging around in an upper kitchen cabinet searching for a large glass measuring cup....
found it, and the tarantula living inside it! 

I screeched so loud Jim thought the roof was collapsing

 (lots of wind outside).

He, my hero, disposed of it in the field
 where it will live on to maim and terrify.

I know, I know...
beautiful animal,
doesn't bite people (usually)
Controls insects.


It was living in my KITCHEN!

Excuse me...must go drink.


Anonymous said...

Once, coming back from Nuevo Laredo to San Antonio at night, the highway was suddenly covered in Tarantulas! We couldn't help but run over them because there were so many. You could hear them "pop" when you ran over them.
Patsy 108

SueZ said...

Oh, Patsy, that doesn't help me at all!

Sue said...

I seem to recall that several years ago you found another "creature" in one of your cupboards. There must be something about your warm personality that they like.

David 120 said...

Perhaps you can lure it back for a pet, after you read this book!