Sunday, October 16, 2011

Country Rodeo

We spent our last Saturday at Saddletramp Ranch out at a country rodeo practising skills like roping and terrorizing cows.
Here is El Jefe...Tommy, the boss.
There was a fire to roast marshmallows and make s'mores.
We watched cows.
They watched us...
Some were just stylin'!
Others were just gross!
This is what happens to your best ropin' shirt when you get your arm stuck under the tail of a cow!
Even Tommy went "Yuck!"....
and got Dave to hose him off.
Horses got a big laugh anyway....
Look who is sitting under the awning....
It was a long dusty day, filled with cow chases and laughs...

It was fun seeing the different skill levels
and watching real horsemen at play.
Finally the guys took a break...
and we chowed down on Catherine's delicious Cajun Bean Soup. 
Ahhh...cowboys, campfires, and beans.
There's a joke in there somewhere!


John @ 37 said...

What a great time - the pictures were fab! Can't wait to hear the stories!

Anonymous said...

I agree with John. Look forward to hearing everyone's travel stories.

Sharon & Tall Dick, #116

John @ 37 said...

Better head home ....the snows about to pile up where you all are at!