Wednesday, March 30, 2011

France Bekons...

I have new hair...
new clothes...
I'm learning a few French phrases...Ou sont les toilettes?
Je prefere les vins secs sil vous plait.
 I'm off to France for a week,
with daughter Melinda, in the morning.
We are doing the Alsace region of France. 
 That's right up near the German & Swiss border.
Lots of dry white wine and foie gras and snails....yummmm!
What? You don't like snails?
  Just think of them as vehicles
 to get garlic butter into your mouth.
Jim is staying here.
Don't feel bad for him...he has new hair too!

Au revoir!


Anonymous said...

We shall be gone when you get back. Look forward to hearing about your adventures.

Sharon & Tall Dick

Pam P. #122 said...

Bon Voyage! (That's the best I can do in the language of your visit.)