Sunday, November 7, 2010

Soup Night Sadness

It's time for soup and what do I find in my mailbox but the sad, nay the disturbing news that
 Mary has NO ONE TO HELP!
It's disturbing because...
other occasions have also occurred with
 little or no help stepping forward.
For instance..
Bill needs help setting up the coffee service for Junque & Java.  That's ONCE A MONTH!
Jon helped Bill when he wasn't scurrying around setting up tables, moving chairs, dotting "i's" and crossing "t's"...
But c'mon Peeps, volunteer already!

November 16th.
 Soup Night
Looking for volunteers to make soup, and dessert.
Mary #5 is more than willing to work with you and answer any questions you may have.

Thanks, Mary
Soup Night is to raise moola for Adopt-A-Family.
Do you like soup?
Who doesn't like soup?
So volunteer already!

1 comment:

John (Lot 5) said...

Thanks Sue for the posting on the blog. We have now received at least one soup maker volunteer for all soup nights except for this November 16th. We usually have two soups and Mary and I will do one for November. So if we don't get help their will only be one.
If soup is not your thing maybe you have a favorite ooey gooey calorie free dessert that you would like to share.