Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bob & Bernie-Wine & Friends.

Since we have returned from our Italy trip we have had SPR friends drop by.
Tom and Ellen came for a day visit and they let Sandy and Bill know they were coming so as they were headed south themselves they also stopped.
We had a great day visiting before they all headed out again.
Then at the end of the week Dr. Bob called to say join himself and Catherine for Sunday brunch and by the way John and Sue would be there too!
Once again we had a great day eating, drinking, and visiting.
Sue and John were headed to her sisters so on Monday they stopped in Kokomo and we hit the local micro brewery for lunch.
To be sure they found it Dr. Bob and Catherine guided them.
What a fun time.
In the meantime we were asked to work, once again, at the Indy International Wine Competition that was to be held at Purdue University.
Bob would judge and I would greet just in case I got to tired to work all day.
We were getting ready to head over to Lafayette
when we got a call from Jon and Donna.
They had time to fill while their unit was being worked on--
how about lunch and visit time.
Why not!
When they got here we hit the micro brewery again (the owner went to school with our youngest son). Had a great lunch, visited there and at the house.
They headed back north to get their unit and we headed west to Purdue.
Had a busy 2 1/2 days.
There were about 2700 wines, 53 judges, and over 50 Pit Cru.
Had lots of locals stop by to see the judging taking place
which I got to describe and explain to them.
Here are some photos of the judging activities.
Photo 1 shows all of the entries ready to be opened, poured,
and delivered to the judges.
Photo 2 shows all of the awards that would be given out at the end of the competition. Photo 3 shows Bob checking out a wine he is judging.
Photo 4 shows me explaining the judging to an interested visitor.
Photo 5 shows Bob working judging one of the final wines for the major awards.
Photo 6 is one of me standing in front of the Purdue train they use at the football games and for taking people around campus on tours.
All of the workers had a chance to take a ride.
Now we are getting ready for our trip to Portugal the first week of September.
I will finish my chemo the week we get back and then go on to radiation.
Am doing well, wish my fingers were not numb but I am still keeping active.

Bernie and Bob

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