Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back in the POOL!

I am so excited to report...I'm back in the pool! Hurray and hallelujah. It has been a month since my surgery and a tough month it's been. But if I can float in the clear aqua blue water at Sandpipers on a 100 degree day...well, something is right with the world.
This weekend I spent a hour, at least, floating in the deep and sort of retrieving wayward volleyballs. I am really amazed at how hard it is for me to hit the ball. Who knew a little thing like having your stomach cut in two would take so much out of you?

It was just great feeling that cool water. And I'm on the mend...AND have lost more than 40 pounds! Can't eat much...really don't want to. And I'm off all meds. So far, so good.


Due to ridiculous and record breaking heat, advanced old age, and other assorted maladies, the Ruggy Duggy Construction Team of Gary, Bill & Garland has gone out of business.
While they were gainfully employed sawdust flew and lumber trembled. But thankfully that portion of the shower house construction has come to an end,
coinciding with their inevitable physical deterioration.
Oh, and Roy, the independent electrical contractor...I assume he's also done for.
Thanks, guys, for giving it your all.


lilizard62 said...

Sorry I wasn't there to witness. I am happy for you.

Bernie #36 said...

Glad you are "on the mend". It is great to see a smile on that face. Keep it up so we can all be jealous.

Unknown said...

So glad you are able to get in the pool and enjoy. Some of my pics. aren't coming up don't know why. Sure hope you regain your strength back soon,by fall you will be back to normal. Stay cool.